The Pacific Coast Company

by Gerald M. Best

Table of Contents

Important Dates in the Pacific Coast Company Story7

Part I. Development of the Pacific Coast Railway

A. John Harford's Horse Railroad 11
B. The Steam Railroad to San Luis Obispo 17
C. Expansion 25
D. Pacific Coast Railway 33
E. The Oil Wells Came to Santa Maria 51
F. Competition and the Declining Years 63
G. Liquidation 78
H. The Hazards of Narrow Gauge Railroading 83
I. The Locomotives and Rolling Stock of the Pacific Coast Railway 86

Part II. The Steamships

J. The Pacific Coast Steamship Company99
K. List of Steamships--1867-1916104
L. The Pacific Coast S.S. Company's Railroad at San Diego123

Part III. The Pacific Coast Company in Washington

M. The Railroads127
N. The Locomotives and the Rolling Stock138